CCIR-NYC Network CCIR-NYC Listserv Events  
Climate Change Information Resources - New York Metro Region
Issue Briefs

Climate Change Overview

Regional Impacts

Preparing for a Different Future: Adaptation

Limiting Future Climate Change: Mitigation


Web Links


Fact Sheets



About the CCIR-NYC

Funded through a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Global Programs, the CCIR-NYC has the goal of advancing scientific research and public policy by improving the communication of climate change data and information to urban policy- and decision-makers and residents and, by so doing, to improve their capacity to respond to the impacts of climate change.

The project leadership worked with an advisory committee composed of decision-makers from the region involved in policy-making at a variety of levels. The leadership team has endeavored to identify resources that link climate change and variability science to issues of importance to the region, and to make the most up-to-date research on the potential effects of climate change on the region available to the target users.

The CCIR-NYC is a flexible framework that will allow the addition of new data and information as they become available.


Project Leadership


Principal Investigator:
Dr. Roberta Balstad
CIESIN, Columbia University

Co-Principal Investigators:
W. Christopher Lenhardt, Dr. Robert Downs
CIESIN, Columbia University

Senior Consulting Associate:
Paul J. Elston


Co-Principal Investigator:
Dr. Cynthia Rosenzweig
Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Columbia University

Hunter College Home

Co-Principal Investigator:
Prof. William Solecki
Department of Geography
Hunter College, City University of New York


The project leadership gratefully acknowledges the support of NOAA's Office of Global Programs as well as the contributions of time and valuable insights from the Advisory Committee.

The Advisory Committee includes the following individuals:

Ms. Karen Chytalo
Department Chief
Marine Habitat Protection
New York State DEC

Mr. Andrew H. Darrell
Regional Director
Environmental Defense

Ms. Kim Tripp
Research Coordinator
Jamaica Bay Institute
Mr. Edward Linky
USEPA Region 2
Dr. James Yarmus
First Deputy Commissioner for Transportation
County of Rockland Planning and Transportation Department
Mr. Chris Zeppie
Chief Environmental Policy Officer
Port Authority of NY & NJ

This project would not have been possible without the diligent and dedicated assistance of a number of individuals. Their contributions range from research and content development to web and graphic design.

CIESIN: Annie Gerard, Merlie Hansen, Geoffrey Hockert, Matt Isanuk, and Roseanne Schwartz.

Hunter College: Chia Basinger, Sara Hodges

GISS: Lily Parshall, Jamie Consuegra, and Jose Mendoza

  File last modified: 29 March 2005  
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