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Climate Change Information Resources - New York Metro Region
Key Topics

Climate Change Overview

Regional Impacts

Preparing for a Different Future: Adaptation

Limiting Future Climate Change: Mitigation


Web Links


Fact Sheets

About CCIR-NYC  

Fact Sheets
Acrobat PDF format: get Acrobat Reader

What causes global climate change? (q1a.pdf)

How does climate change today compare with climate change in the past? (q1b.pdf)

What is the evidence that the climate is changing? (q1c.pdf)

What is a global climate model?( q1d.pdf)

How do scientists make projections about futute climate change and climate impacts? q1e.pdf

What changes in climate are proejcted for the region? (q2a.pdf)

What major climate change impacts are projected for the coming decades? (q2b.pdf)

How might climate change affect the coastal environment and coastal communities? (q2c.pdf)

How will climate change affect the regions's transportation system? (q2d.pdf)

What are the projected costs of climate change in the region's coastal communities and coastal environments? (2e.pdf)

What are public agencies in the region doing to develop adaptations to a changing climate? (q3a.pdf)

What is being done in other major urban areas to adapt to climate change? (q3b.pdf)

What role can the private sector play in adapting to climate change? (q3c.pdf)

What can individuals do to prepare for climate change? (q3d.pdf)

Why is mitigation important? (q4a.pdf)

What can individuals in the New York Metropolitan Region do to slow down climate change? (q4b.pdf)


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File last modified: 8 April 2005

CIESIN is a center within the Earth Institute at Columbia University     Copyright©  2004-2005. The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.